This webinar will detail the learning from a study of violence in both England and Scotland with a focus on the Scottish success story of violence reduction, explore current community concerns around violence and hear from young people affected by violence about their journey to creating violence reduction resources.
Violence involving young people in the UK is a topic of widespread and growing concern, yet public discourse on violence is often framed in a narrow way that drives social policy toward criminalisation. In Scotland, concerns around a resurgence in violence involving young people, including violence against the self, has been linked to the aftermath of COVID-19, social media, with a particular focus on behaviour in schools.
In this webinar you’ll hear from researchers involved in a three year study of violence in both England and Scotland, London and Glasgow (PHYVR). Based on 190 interviews with senior stakeholders and community participants across the UK, reviews of Government policy, and case-studies with communities affected by violence, the webinar will detail the learning from the project in terms of the ‘Scottish Success story of violence reduction’, explore current community concerns around violence and hear from young people affected by violence about their journey to creating violence reduction resources.