Map and track the key skills that young people can develop through participation in youth work in Scotland.
We’re delighted to launch our brand-new Youth Work Skills Framework, a comprehensive online resource to map and track the key skills that young people can develop through participation in youth work in Scotland.
The Framework, a partnership between YouthLink Scotland and Northern Star Associates, is designed to be a valuable tool for youth workers looking to support young people recognise and articulate their skills; identify areas for improvement; and learn how these skills can be applied in different contexts.
There are a total of 11 skills identified within the framework, each visually mapped out to demonstrate how these skills link up with the Curriculum for Excellence, My World of Work and the National Youth Work Outcomes.
To celebrate the launch of the #YWSkillsFramework, we’re shining a social media spotlight on four key skills for the remainder of the week! On Tuesday, we’re talking about confidence; on Wednesday, the focus is on leadership; on Thursday we celebrate young people’s resilience; and on Friday, the focus will be on teamwork.
We want to hear from youth workers and the young people you support! Join in the social media conversation using the hashtag #YWSkillsFramework throughout the week, sharing videos, images and inspirational quotes relating to the skills youth work helps promote in young people. Download our Comms Pack for more details.
Going forward, we will continue to work with our members and key sector stakeholders to add to the Skills Framework, building up an evidence base for youth work’s contribution to skills, examples of best practice and innovative implementations of the framework.