An innovative housing project designed to support young people at the point of leaving care has been launched in Stirling by Barnardo’s Scotland.
Working with local services and construction firm Morris & Spottiswood, Barnardo’s Scotland has built five ‘Gap Homes’, which are purpose-built houses for young people leaving the care system.
A Gap Home provides high quality, affordable and additional housing for care-experienced young people, and provides the opportunity for a young person to live in a new property in an established community with support available to them from Barnardo’s.
The Gap Homes programme was developed by Barnardo’s in response to the lack of suitable housing and support available to young people at the point of leaving care. Poor quality housing and a lack of support increases the likelihood of homelessness. This is exacerbated by a lack of suitable accommodation for young people preparing to live independently.
Stirling is one of numerous sites across the UK where Barnardo’s is constructing Gap Homes, with existing Gap Homes in Renfrewshire and Essex – and more to come.