In partnership with Mahrukh Shaukat, Action on Prejudice is delivering a new training session. to help youth workers explore and understand the impact of dominant identities.
In partnership with Mahrukh Shaukat, Action on Prejudice is delivering a new training session. An Introduction to Racial Literacy will help youth workers explore and understand the impact of dominant identities, how we react to things we don’t know, barriers to participation for young people and looks at what actions they can take to become more inclusive in their work. This is very much an introduction to racial literacy, and we signpost to further learning.
There are three dates to choose from:
Participating in this Community of Practice can be recorded as 2 hours of Professional Learning time, which can contribute to the 35 hours per year (pro rata) required for membership of the CLD Standards Council, another professional body, or your own learning and development plan.
When recording your professional learning you may want to reflect on your development from this event in relation to the relevant CLD Competences and CLD Ethics.