The Scottish Government, COSLA, NHS Education for Scotland, Resilience Learning Partnership and the Improvement Service have been developing a trauma informed framework.
As part of the National Trauma Training Programme, the Scottish Government, COSLA, NHS Education for Scotland, Resilience Learning Partnership and the Improvement Service have been developing a Framework to help any service/organisation in Scotland work towards becoming trauma informed. It highlights the key components of trauma-informed organisations, systems and workforces, raises awareness of the activities that are most effective in supporting organisations in this work, and helps organisations understand the impact/ contributions of a trauma-informed approach over time for staff, for people affected by trauma and the organisation’s wider mission.
To create the Framework, we have drawn on: what people with lived experience of trauma have said would help improve access to support and recovery and reduce re-traumatisation; the international evidence base and existing tools; what experts by profession and stakeholders across sectors and policy areas have told us would support them to implement a trauma-informed approach in their organisation; and existing good practice from the Scottish context.
We want to make sure the Framework reflects what people affected by trauma want and need from services, organisations and systems in terms of them being trauma informed, and that the Framework is easy to use for people working in any service or organisation. We are asking different organisations/ networks and experts by experience and expert by profession to provide feedback on the draft so that we can make sure the tool is as effective and useful as possible.
There is a short survey to gather feedback on the framework.