Sustaining Choices – Applications Now Open

PAS are excited to launch their third programme of Sustaining Choices. This programme works with up to seven community groups to produce Active and Sustainable Travel Action Plans.


PAS work closely with communities over a year, delivering training, supporting community engagement, data analysis and report writing so that they can develop a vision of better walking, wheeling, cycling, and public transport for their areas. In particular PAS are looking to support communities who would especially benefit from having better active and sustainable transport.

Here’s what one of their previous participants said about the process.

“The engagement has been a very rewarding learning process for us.  Not only have we been able to get a clear understanding of how we might meet our community’s needs for getting about but also the most effective ways to engage with our geographically diverse community. PAS have been hugely supportive throughout the process both as guide and facilitator.”

Ullapool Community Trust

Applications are open until the 21 April and you can apply via their website. There is also a short video you can watch here.



Talk to PAS

Please contact Erin (project lead) if you’d like to find out more.