Youth Work Campaigns

YouthLink Scotland works with key partners from across the youth work sector to develop nationwide, impactful campaigns to drive investment into the sector.

Youth leaders launch Invest In Youth Work campaign with Tom Kitchin

Our Campaigns

In terms of our nation’s commitment to young people, there is a lot to be positive about, and we welcome the continued cross-party recognition of the value of youth work. However, the stats around attainment, employability, youth mental health and poverty show that we still have a considerable distance to travel.

Scotland’s youth work sector remains under serious threat with continued cuts to budgets and vital services.

Through our campaigns, we ask politicians and society to stand with us to support the youth work sector. Young people deserve a strong commitment to high quality youth work services and that means investment.

Check out our current campaigns below.

For more information contact Sarah Paterson, Communications and Public Affairs Manager