Why I’ve handed over the reins to my Twitter account for #BlackHistoryMonth

For the duration of #BlackHistoryMonth, our United Voices network will be doing a social media takeover using Third Sector Lab director Ross McCulloch’s Twitter account.

Head shot of Third Sector Lab's Ross McCulloch

This Black History Month, I’ve handed over my Twitter platform of over 37,000 followers to United Voices Network. 

Throughout October, they’ll be using it to amplify the voices of Black youth workers and young people, share resources and engage in conversations about racism and anti-racism.

United Voices Network is doing important work to support young people facing racism and antisemitism. They’re also working to influence policy and strategy from a lived experience perspective. I’m honoured to be able to use my platform to support their work.

You can expect to hear from fantastic organisations like Exhale, Passion4Fusion, and One Community Scotland as well as other grassroots organisations working directly with young people across Scotland.

The theme of Black History Month 2023 is “Saluting Our Sisters.” The theme is intended to highlight the achievements and contributions of Black women throughout history, and to inspire future generations.

It is also a time to recognize the challenges and obstacles that Black women have faced, and to continue to advocate for racial and gender equality.

In addition to reflecting on the past, Black History Month is also a time to look to the future. “Saluting Our Sisters” is a call to action to inspire future generations of Black women to continue to make a difference in the world.

To stay up to date with fantastic content from United Voices Network this Black History Month, follow me on twitter @Thirdsectorlab.