If you want to develop your digital youth work skills you’ll find a range of options here, some tried and tested, others new and at the cutting edge.
Young people’s lives are increasingly digitalised in so many ways and youth workers have a role in helping young people to navigate the digital aspects of their lives, but this isn’t something we are automatically confident in. New technology also gives us lots of opportunities to enhance our youth work practice, to engage young people and their creativity and amplify their voices in different ways.
This introductory course enables youth workers to explore what’s involved in delivering Digital Youth Work and look at tools, platforms and resources.
Download materials to run the course, or search the events section for facilitated training sessions.
We’re looking forward to an exciting new offer which will be launched during 2023. Fife College are currently developing a course which introduces youth workers to the power of data and enables them to apply the knowledge in a youth work context.
YouthLink Scotland are providing support to Fife College, to align the course with the needs of the sector. Funding for the course development comes from The DataLab.
More details will be available soon.