Thomas Wall Trust

Grants to support individuals to undertake education and training, and charities to equip people with necessary skills to secure employment. The next deadline is 5th May.

Grants for Registered Charities 

The Thomas Wall Trust believes that communication skills are critical capabilities for people who want to improve their employment prospects, self-confidence, resilience, and life chances.

The Trust recognises that communication is underpinned by a set of key features and skills such as empathy, listening, emotional intelligence, confidence, and clarity, amongst others.

They’re an inclusive charity, welcoming proposals which target people experiencing multiple deprivation or other groups demonstrably facing major hurdles to employment, especially women, people with physical, mental, or learning disabilities and refugees.

The Trust offers grants up to £5,000 for specific projects rather than general organisational costs that improves communication skills for disadvantaged adults and supports NEET people into employment. Beneficiaries must gain at least one accredited vocational qualification during delivery.

Grants for Individuals

This individual grants programme aims to support motivated adults living in the UK to undertake education and training that will increase their chances of employment.

They offer grants up to £1,500 to undertake accredited vocational training up to level 3 (Qualification levels explained) and towards other costs associated with studying.