National Voluntary Youth Work Organisations Support Fund

Fund Status: Closed

This annual fund supports workforce development within the voluntary youth work sector. The purpose of the fund is to support voluntary sector youth work organisations to continuously improve and offer high quality youth opportunities that meet the needs of all young people in Scotland. The fund also aims to support the implementation of the new National Youth Work Strategy for Scotland (in development).

Previous rounds of the fund were open only to national voluntary sector youth work organisations. In 2022/23 the fund also opened to local and regional specialist equalities focused voluntary youth work organisations to support them to build on and develop their reach and offer to young people with protected characteristics.

Funded Projects

Over 50 youth work organisations supported in 2022/23

Teenage girl with braids sits laughing in the sunshine

NVYWOS Fund Guidance and Information

You can download the following documents for more information about the fund

List of previously funded organisations
(PDF, 414 KB)
Fund guidance 22/23
(PDF, 359 KB)
Awarded to voluntary youth work organisations in 2022/23
Voluntary sector youth work organisations supported in 2022/23
Direct Beneficiaries
Youth work volunteers supported
Equalities specific youth work organisations supported

Contact our grants administration team

We’re always around for a chat if you want to run ideas by us or need help of any kind. If you need further information or support please contact Jane Dailly (National Grants Manager) and Donna Tobin (National Grants Administrator).