An animation by children and young people about their experiences of legal representation which articulates what they want from their lawyers, and from care and justice settings more generally.
“Alright?’ is an exploration of an individual’s struggle to find his place within a complex web of rights, laws and support systems. Malcolm identifies the significance of small yet impactful details that could improve the process of navigating the legal system, focussing on the individuals working within the support network and how their approach could be refined to better serve the needs of individuals like himself.
This powerful animation reflects on what it is like to be in their shoes. It shares young people’s experiences of legal representation and articulates what they want from their lawyers. It contains an important message about the need for lawyers who care about the young people they support. Young people want lawyers who are able to communicate and connect with them, and are highly skilled at upholding their rights.
The animation builds on a scoping study about the legal needs of children and young people who are in conflict with the law, which involved engaging with young people.