Are you ready for the #EducationNeedsYouthWork Campaign? Mark the date in your calendar – Monday 19th to Friday 23rd February 2024.
#EducationNeedsYouthWork will highlight why youth work is crucial to Scottish education. It’s about ensuring every young person has access to youth work as an integral part of their educational journey.
Why? – because young people tell us youth work should be part of their education.
Throughout the week, we’ll present compelling evidence showcasing the pivotal impact of youth work across school and post-school learning.
Join us as we raise the profile of our work and amplify the voices of our young people, sharing their experiences of how youth work has shaped their learning.
From re-engaging with school to providing safe spaces, their stories are at the heart of this movement for education change.
Who are we targeting? Decision-makers in education reform, school leaders, attainment advisors, and all of those involved in Scottish education.
Find out more about how to get involved throughout the week by using our comms pack, filled with info on themed days, content ideas and suggested social media posts!
Give us your personalised message about the value of youth work!