Getting it right for every child (GIRFEC): Child's Plan - Practice Statement

A new GIRFEC Child’s Plan Practice Statement has been published by the Scottish Government. It aims to provide practitioners with confidence, clarity and practical support to continue to implement GIRFEC. 

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A new GIRFEC Child’s Plan Practice Statement has been published by the Scottish Government. It aims to provide practitioners with confidence, clarity and practical support to continue to implement GIRFEC. 


The non-statutory child’s plan remains a core component of the GIRFEC approach to promoting, supporting and safeguarding the wellbeing of children and young people.   


This new practice statement reflects the relationship and alignment between statutory and non-statutory plans, and recent legislative and policy developments. It covers what a child’s plan is within GIRFEC, when a child’s plan should be considered, who should be involved in the development and review of a child’s plan, how a child’s plan supports transitions and chronologies. 


You can find the statement here, along with an easy read version here 


The practice statement complements the guidance series published in September 2022 to help and support practitioners and managers embed GIRFEC into their everyday practice.