New YouthLink Scotland Chair Angela Leitch brings a wealth of experience to the role, having served as chief executive officer at Clackmannanshire Council and East Lothian Council, and more recently guiding Public Health Scotland through Covid-19. Here she shares her excitement at joining Scotland’s national youth work agency.
I’ve worked in the public sector for over thirty years and in that time most of the organisations I’ve worked for have been active members of YouthLink Scotland, benefiting hugely from its expertise and insights.
Appreciating the value it brings to the sector and the consequential impact that member organisations have on the lives of young people in our communities, I was keen to apply to become a member of the Board.
I can’t tell you how delighted I was to be appointed to chair this great organisation! I’ve seen first-hand how trained staff working with young people can make a difference to their lives and this is especially the case in disadvantaged areas.
Youth work comes in many forms. The diversity of the sector reflects the many differences in our communities and the varied needs of individual children and young people. As we emerge from Covid-19, feel the impact of the war on Ukraine and see the consequences of the cost-of-living crisis, there’s never been a more important time to make sure the sector is strong and well supported.
Failing to invest in this frontline preventative service will have consequences on the health and wellbeing of our young people in the years to come and there’s plenty of evidence to back this up.
It makes it more important that there’s an organisation – YouthLink Scotland – to advocate on behalf of the sector and work constructively with partners, to ensure resources are appropriately prioritised for the services that children and young people need to thrive.
It’s well known that YouthLink Scotland is a well-respected and trusted body that has worked constructively in partnership with its member organisations in the face of many challenges. I would like to build on that legacy, maximising the varied skills and experience of other members of the Board and Executive team.
I’m really looking forward to meeting our partners, hearing about their work and listening to how YouthLink Scotland can be even more influential on behalf of the sector.