Calling all youth workers and young people taking part in youth work! Scottish Government and COSLA want to hear from you as part of the National Discussion on Education.
Calling all youth workers and young people taking part in youth work!
Scottish Government and COSLA want to hear from you as part of the National Discussion on Education.
Alongside schools, youth work improves the wellbeing, readiness to learn and educational outcomes of children and young people.
What kind of education, skills, knowledge & support do you think young people will need 20 years from now? What role should youth work play in a transformed Scottish education?
YouthLink Scotland will report on findings and use them to inform our written response to the national discussion on education. This is an exciting opportunity to elevate youth work’s position within education, and support young people to articulate the impact.
The recent report ‘Exploring the Four Capacities‘ says “Curriculum-making is not solely the job of educators in mainstream school settings – too often, we forget that the remit and reach of Curriculum for Excellence encompass the expertise and experience of educators in Early Years, ASN, third sector and youth work settings. And they are incredibly successful and innovative at developing models of curriculum-making.”
Help us communicate a strong youth work voice, as Scotland considers the future of education.