Take our survey and help review and refresh the National Youth Work Induction Checklist to make sure the topics covered are the most relevant to youth workers and young people.The survey will close on 24th November.
YouthLink Scotland and the Youth Work Training and Workforce Development Forum are reviewing the content of the National Youth Work Induction Checklist and we would really value your feedback.
Developed in 2018, the checklist was created by the youth work sector to establish a minimum induction standard for youth work staff and volunteers across Scotland.
We want to review and refresh the checklist to make sure the topics covered are the most relevant to youth workers and young people.
We are looking for one main response per organisation around uptake. However we value the thoughts and ideas of all youth workers: staff, volunteers and students and are happy to have multiple responses around the content.
The deadline for responses is 24th November 2023.
If you would like to discuss anything please get in touch with Liz Green, Workforce and Practice Manager.