An opportunity for young people to tell Police Scotland what they love and what they think needs to change. These ideas and opinions will not only help them to deliver effective policing and services for young people in local areas but will also help build safe and well communities for everyone.
Our Big Youth Conversation is a campaign all about enabling more young people to be able to particpate in Police Scotland’s survey, focus groups and workshops to influence how they do things. gather people’s opinion using their Your Police survey, and would love more young people to take part.
Police Scotland will be sharing this information with schools, youth centres, national voluntary organisations, local Third Sector Interface networks and many more! But they need your help, too.
Anyone can take part in Your Police. It is open all year, until 31st March 2024. They’re especially looking to hear the voices of young people, as well as people from black and minority ethnic communities, LGBTIQ+ communities and people who have had contact with police.
Resources for teachers, youth workers, MSYPs and other young leaders
For people working with and supporting young people, they have created a resource pack full of information, assets and facilitation plans that might help incorporate Our Big Youth Conversation into your lesson or session plans.