Do you currently work with young people (aged 14-15) who might be willing to take part in an online workshop for the Good Measure research project? The workshop will be held on 21st March. All participants will be thanked for their time with a £35 voucher.
The Good Measure project aims to strengthen research on the links between adolescent sexuality and mental health and wellbeing. Surveys currently used to research factors affecting young people’s mental health and wellbeing often do not include questions on sex, sexuality and gender identity, despite the importance of these subjects to young people. A team of researchers from the University of Glasgow are engaging with key stakeholders, including young people to understand key priorities and challenges for research in this area. Taking these into account, they will create new tools, resources and guidance for mental health researchers so they can feel confident talking to young people about sex and sexuality.
The project is looking for young people aged 14-15 to take part in an online workshop (Zoom or Teams) on sexual wellbeing. In the workshop they want to hear young people’s views on what sexual wellbeing means to them. Participants will be invited to contribute to an online whiteboard where they will complete interactive activities exploring the concept of sexual wellbeing.
The workshop will last approximately 2 hours with a 15-minute break. Individual access to a laptop or tablet with internet connection is required to take part. The workshop will be held on Thursday 21st March from 6pm to 8pm. The deadline to apply will be the midnight on Sunday 10th March. Participants will be thanked for their time with a £35 voucher.