As Scotland works towards social and economic renewal in the aftermath of Covid 19, youth work has a crucial part to play.
As we continue to navigate the Scottish Government’s route map out of lockdown, we recognise the profound impact that the current situation is likely to have on the future prospects of Scotland’s young people.
This youth work and employability position paper outlines the crucial role of the youth work sector in Scotland’s social and economic renewal in the aftermath of Covid-19 – by developing young people’s skills and providing them with a solid, lasting foundation from which to build a brighter future.
There is a wealth of evidence demonstrating the integral relationship between youth work and employability, through the role youth work plays in supporting young people in schools, community and post-school contexts. This relationship should be developed further as we continue to adjust to the consequences of Covid-19 and its impact on the labour market.
This resource highlights the positive relationship between youth work and employability and shows how, as we transition out of lockdown, we must communicate the valuable role of the youth work sector in assisting young people, aiding the employability agenda, and helping Scotland build back stronger than ever.
This paper is part of a series of toolkits and guides produced by YouthLink Scotland to help the youth work sector navigate the Scottish Government’s route map out of lockdown.
Visit YouthLink Scotland’s Youth Work Recovery Hub.
For further details on this publication, please contact Kevin Kane, Policy and Research Manager: