In July 2023, at SYP’s 79th National Sitting in Orkney, 86 members of SYP (MSYPs) – young people aged 14 to 25 – took part in a consultation workshop to discuss their experiences of youth work. This report outlines the findings from their discussions.
In 2019, the Scottish Youth Parliament (SYP) published ‘Youth Work and Me’, a report outlining young people’s experiences of youth work in Scotland. This report highlighted how youth work has changed young people’s lives, and the impact youth work budget cuts were having on young people in Scotland.
Since their first Youth Work and Me report was published, the lives of young people have dramatically changed. The past four years have seen a global pandemic, major disruptions to our education system, increasing concerns about the climate
emergency, a growing mental health epidemic, a cost-of-living crisis, and many other changes in day to day lives. Throughout this time, youth work across Scotland has continued to deliver essential support to thousands of young people, despite increasing funding challenges.
In July 2023, at SYP’s 79th National Sitting in Orkney, 86 members of SYP (MSYPs) – young people aged 14 to 25 – took part in a consultation workshop to discuss their experiences of youth work. This report outlines the findings from their discussions.