Youth Work Resources

We know that good youth work requires good youth work resources. That’s why we’re continuing to build a comprehensive library of toolkits, lesson plans, publications, professional frameworks, case studies and guidance to help you improve your youth work practice. Can’t find what you’re looking for? Let us know.


Resource Type
Thematic Area
SDG Poster - What's on My Plate
A poster to help young people think about the global goals and living sustainably.
SDG Poster
A poster explaining the sustainable development goals in a cartoon format.
Guidance, Training/Toolkits/Session Plans
Six Ways to Change Hearts and Minds About Climate Change
Six ways we can frame climate change to build appetite for the action we need across society. In the course of the guide, we’ll dig deeper into each recommendation and give examples of how you can apply them.
Guidance, Training/Toolkits/Session Plans
Telling Your Climate Story
One way that youth workers can help young people fulfil their potential to change attitudes on climate change is by supporting them to tell their own stories. This workshop shows you how.
Guidance, Training/Toolkits/Session Plans
Under 18? Your Human Rights at Protests
Produced by the Children and Young People’s Commissioner’s Office, this guide ensures young people are empowered to participate and engage in their right to peaceful protest.
Guidance, Training/Toolkits/Session Plans
Understanding Politics and Democracy
A simple guide to understand how politics and democracy works in the UK.
Guidance, Training/Toolkits/Session Plans
Virtual Lobbying Guide
A guide from Hope for the Future around talking to your MP about climate change.
Guidance, Training/Toolkits/Session Plans
Youth Workers Guide: a List of Action for SDGs
This guide aims to activate youth workers to contribute towards the achievement of the SDGs, encouraging youth initiatives and youth inclusion by promoting democratic life in alignment of SDGs theme.
Training/Toolkits/Session Plans
The Case for Climate Justice
This resource looks at the real, human impact of the climate crisis in Malawi, now and in the future. It compares the likely impacts in Malawi and Scotland, and the relative contribution which each nation has made to causing the climate crisis in terms of carbon emissions.
Training/Toolkits/Session Plans
Free Educator's Course with National Geographic
Connect with a global community of educators while transforming your teaching practice with National Geographic’s free online courses for educators.
Training/Toolkits/Session Plans
Learning for a Sustainable Future Course
On this five-week course, you’ll develop an informed personal response to these major challenges as you’re supported to take positive actions towards a sustainable future
Training/Toolkits/Session Plans
Tackling the Climate Crisis Together Course
On this two-week course, you’ll explore how climate change affects different people and places in varying ways and how we, and our world leaders, can take action.