Our members make us who we are

They are the driving force behind everything we do, bringing a unique blend of passion, expertise and energy to supporting Scotland’s young people.

With over 100 members from national youth work organisations to local authority providers and community-based groups, our membership represents the diversity and strength of the youth work sector. 

We’re proud to stand beside them as they work in partnership with young people to create a brighter, happier, fairer Scotland. 

Join us and become part of a movement dedicated to creating a brighter future for Scotland’s young people. 

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Our Membership Directory


Membership type
Fife Council logo
Fife Council
Fife Council is the local authority for the Fife area of Scotland and is the third largest in Scotland. Youth Work is delivered by the 7 area community development teams and these teams are part of the Communities and Neighbourhoods Service. The Service also works in partnership to promote opportunities for learning, culture, sports, leisure and active communities.
03451 550000 Website
Girlguiding Scotland logo
Girlguiding Scotland
Girlguiding Scotland is the leading charity for girls and young women in Scotland, with around 45,000 young members. We are for all girls, offering them a space to grow in confidence, have fun and be a powerful force for good. Our action-packed programme offers girls aged four and up the chance to enjoy new adventures, learn new skills and make new friends. All of this is made possible thanks to our network of more than 9,000 volunteers.
0131 226 4511 Website
The Girls Brigade logo
Girls' Brigade Scotland
All girls and young women are welcome at Girls’ Brigade no matter who they or where they come from. Members come from diverse backgrounds and from all faiths or none but what is important is that each girl is unique and has the opportunity to learn, make friends, try new challenges and grow into strong, confident young women during their GB experience. Girls’ Brigade welcomes girls and young women irrespective of faith, race, nationality or sexual orientation.
0141 332 1765 Website
Girvan Youth Trust logo
Girvan Youth Trust
Girvan Youth Trust is a grassroots, community based youth work charity based in South Ayrshire. Our main aim is to enhance the quality of life for local young people in the Girvan and South Carrick area – an area which is compiled of one main town and eight surrounding villages. Girvan Youth Trust also own and manage, the newly refurbished, Z1 Youth Bar – a dedicated youth facility, which operates five days and six evenings per week.
01465 714729 Website
Glasgow Life logo
Glasgow Life
We inspire people to become engaged and active in a city globally renowned for culture and sport. As a charity, we find innovative ways to make this happen across Glasgow’s diverse communities. Whether that's co-locating libraries, museums and sport centres in places like Pollok and Kelvin Hall, or hosting the first UCI World Cycling Championships.
0141 287 4350 Website
Go Youth Trust logo
Go! Youth Trust
Go! Youth Trust is a Christian charity that supports young people to grow, explore and thrive. Working across Central Scotland with young people aged 7-25, we are passionate about helping young people get the best start in life. For some this simply means having somewhere to go and feel safe, for others this means having a conversation every week with a positive role model while others need help gaining qualifications in an environment which is tailor made to ensure they can achieve their potential.
01324 625471 Website
Highland High Life logo
High Life Highland
High Life Highland is a charity registered in Scotland, formed in 2011 by The Highland Council. It develops and promotes opportunities in culture, learning, sport, leisure, health and wellbeing throughout the whole of the Highlands for both residents and visitors. Youth services is an integral part of HLH offering opportunities and support for young people aged 11 and above around community engagement, voice and achievement.
01349 781700 Website
Hot Chocolate Trust
Hot Chocolate Trust
Hot Chocolate Trust is a Youth Work organisation, based in Dundee city centre. It is open to all young people without prejudice or distinction of religion, race, culture, health, disability, gender, hair colour, sexuality or politics. The only restrictions are of age: secondary school age up to 21 yrs old. We aim to support young people make the transition to adulthood, developing their skills, overcoming barriers and accessing more specialist services.
01382 223880 Website
Impact Arts logo
Impact Arts
Established in 1994, Impact Arts is an innovative Scottish arts charity whose mission is to tackle inequalities in a diverse range of communities through unique creative engagement techniques, including painting, drawing, printmaking, sculpture, photography, filmmaking, animation, and music. We specialise in using creative engagement to address the challenges of poverty, improve health and as a way to excite, involve and deliver meaningful impacts for each member of the communities we work in.
0141 575 3001 Website
Inverclyde Council logo
Inverclyde Council
CLD Youth Work Services work with young people aged 10-25 across Inverclyde. We offer community-based youth work opportunities including, drop-ins, thematic groups, detached youth work and holiday programmes. We work with young people in school to improve health and wellbeing, literacy, and numeracy as well as at other themes. We promote youth voice and support young people to influence decision making. We work with local and national partners to maximise the opportunities we can offer young people.
01475 715450 Website
ack Kane Community Centre logo
Jack Kane Community Centre
We passionately believe in the positive influence participation and involvement can have on the individual and community development. Communicating core elements with consistency, cohesion and clarity is vital if we are to lead with credibility and stay true to our vision and mission. Reflecting a clear message of the ‘who, what and why’ we exist will be demonstrated in all our work.
0131 657 1595 Website
The King's Trust Scotland
The King's Trust believes every young person should have the chance to succeed. Our mission is to help young people transform their lives by developing their confidence and skills and empowering them to get into jobs, education, and training. The young people we support face multiple and complex barriers; are furthest from the labour market; and are most affected by poverty and inequality. We work across Scotland and in partnership with expert delivery partners to target young people aged 11 to 30 who are most in need of support.
0141 204 4409 Website