Our members make us who we are

They are the driving force behind everything we do, bringing a unique blend of passion, expertise and energy to supporting Scotland’s young people.

With over 100 members from national youth work organisations to local authority providers and community-based groups, our membership represents the diversity and strength of the youth work sector. 

We’re proud to stand beside them as they work in partnership with young people to create a brighter, happier, fairer Scotland. 

Join us and become part of a movement dedicated to creating a brighter future for Scotland’s young people. 

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Our Membership Directory


Membership type
People Know How logo
People Know How
People Know How is a a Scottish social innovation charity with a passion for solving social issues. Based in Edinburgh and the Lothians, we work with people and communities to develop innovative strategies and services to address social issues both locally and nationally. Our aim is to support and empower both individuals and organisations to mobilise their assets and realise their true potential. Often, people do not realise that they know how. That’s where we come in, unlocking ideas for a brighter future.
0131 569 0525 Website
Perth and Kinross Council logo
Perth & Kinross Council
Services for Young People, CLD section is a non-statutory Children, Young People and Families Service which provides a focussed and holistic early intervention and prevention provision for young people through a range of projects, activities and achievement awards. The service includes both full and part time qualified and experienced Community Learning and Development practitioners, working in a flexible manner across the localities of Perth and Kinross, schools and in the facility @Scott Street.
01738 474580 Website
Planning Aid Scotland (PAS)
We are a charity and social enterprise that helps people to navigate the planning system. We support a planning system that is inclusive, positive and innovative, where individuals and communities have the opportunity to shape the future of their place in an impartial, open and inclusive way. Through our facilitation-based approach, we help people participate in the planning system to help ensure that all voices are heard. For over 30 years now, volunteering has been at the heart of what we do and we continue to be a volunteer-led organisation.
0131 220 9730 Website
Police Scotland Youth Volunteers
Police Scotland Youth Volunteers
Police Scotland was established in April 2013 and is responsible for policing services and supporting communities across Scotland. The service, led by Sir Chief Constable Iain Livingstone QPM, consists of 13 Local Policing Divisions and 4 National Divisions that provide specialist support across Scotland. The programme aims to strengthen relationships with young people, break down barriers, promote positive role models to make Scotland's communities safer.
Project Trust Logo
Project Trust
Aged 17-25? Project Trust has over 50 years’ experience of providing international volunteering opportunities for young people. Since 1967, over 8000 Project Trust Volunteers have explored their potential, learned from another culture and contributed to an international community. Our volunteering placements offer a unique opportunity to learn, contribute and explore. Youth development is central to what we do and you will develop your existing skills as well as learning new ones.
01879 230444 Website
Queens Cross Housing Association
Queens Cross is a community-based housing association in North Glasgow with a vision of providing excellent housing in vibrant communities, a piece of our vision for vibrant communities is through Social Regeneration. Our Social Regeneration Team work collaboratively and in partnership to provide engaging, creative and supportive services for the community including Youth-Work, Digital Inclusion, Over 60s and Ethnic Communities.
08081432002 Website
Reeltime music logo
Reeltime Music
By providing a range of quality services for young people and the local community in North Lanarkshire, and through working together with relevant partners, Reeltime Music aims to bring about a positive change in the lives of disenfranchised young people. We will do this through the provision of affordable recording and rehearsal services; workshop and training provision; volunteering; and partnership projects. We have found that by providing an informal service, music is a great way to break down barriers, learn new skills, increase aspirations and develop a more active lifestyle.
01698 862860 Website
Renfrewshire Council logo
Renfrewshire Council
Renfrewshire Council Youth Services is part of the Community Learning and Development Team delivering a range of universal and targeted youth work in schools and communities. We aim to improve the outcomes for young people through youth voice, youth information, community empowerment and outdoor learning. We work with young people aged 10 to 25, supporting their personal and social development, through wider learning experiences, and supporting them to effect change in their lives and communities.
0141 478 1926 Website
respectme logo
respectme, Scotland’s anti-bullying service is managed by SAMH (Scottish Association for Mental Health) in partnership with LGBT Youth Scotland and funded by Scottish Government. Our vision is of a respecting, just, equal and inclusive Scotland in which all children and young people can live free from bullying and harassment and are encouraged to reach their full potential. Our work is driven by a focus on children’s rights. We are not a helpline and can't offer one-to-one family support. We provide practical advice and guidance on dealing with bullying behaviour.
0344 800 8600 Website
RNIB Haggeye logo
RNIB Scotland
Haggeye is RNIB Scotland's award-winning youth forum that gives young people with sight loss a voice. Our members work together to help create a society where sight loss is not a barrier to living life to the full. Haggeye provides a friendly and supportive platform which allows young people to raise awareness of what it's like to be blind or partially sighted in Scotland today and what's important to them. The forum enables its members to: Campaign for change Influence the provision of services Meet new people and make new friends Discuss and share issues of concern with them.
Rock Trust
Rock Trust is Scotland’s youth homelessness charity. Our aim is to end youth homelessness in Scotland by ensuring that every young person has access to expert youth specific services to assist them to avoid, survive and move on from homelessness. We advise, educate and support young people to enable them to build the personal skills and resources required to make a positive and healthy transition to adulthood. We also work to ensure that the public, policy makers, commissioners and practitioners understand the issues, make decisions and take action which will end youth homelessness.
0131 557 4059 Website
As the National Orchestra of Scotland, the Royal Scottish National Orchestra (RSNO) are committed to providing equitable music experiences for all of Scotland’s citizens. A key component in this commitment is in improving accessible working opportunities within the creative industries, making them a viable career path for the young people in Scotland. The RSNO is one of Europe's leading orchestras with a rich history stretching back over 125 years. It is one of Scotland's leading cultural institutions, and an orchestra with a variety of work that is almost unparalleled amongst its British peers.
0141 226 3868 Website