
Penumbra is one of Scotland’s leading mental health organisations, supporting over 1800 adults and young people towards recovery every week across Scotland.

Using their years of experience in delivering training and support around self-harm, Penumbra has adapted its unique tool, Y·ROC, for the Heids Together project in order to support youth workers in Scotland.

Y·ROC is a dedicated, validated measure of recovery that provides a structure for recovery conversations and a range of innovative and easy to use tools that promote self-management with tips and techniques. It supports good conversations about what really matters for the mental wellbeing of a young person and also allows services and organisations to collate data to demonstrate the impact they are making.

Penumbra also know that self-harm is an issue which continues to affect a significant proportion of young people and that this has likely been heightened during the Covid-19 pandemic. Self-harm is an area that is distressing both for the person who is self-harming and also for those who care for a young person who can feel very unsure of the best ways to provide support and also to manage their own fears and anxieties of knowing someone is self-harming. It is also an area where many unhelpful assumptions, myths and prejudices exist.

We are delighted to be able to share this resource to support both those who may be self-harming and those who are supporting them.

Self-Harm Resources

Resources to aid the understanding of self-harm, with practical exercises that both young people and those supporting them can use to minimise the risks and ultimately reduce self harming.

What is Self Harm?
(PDF, 307 KB)
Signs of Self Harm
(PDF, 399 KB)
Myth vs Fact
(PDF, 192 KB)
Helpful/Not Helpful
(PDF, 192 KB)
Reducing Self-Harm
(PDF, 234 KB)
Alternatives to Self-Harm
(PDF, 1 MB)
First Aid Key Tips
(PDF, 238 KB)
(PDF, 733 KB)
Life Me Up
(PDF, 959 KB)
My Diary
(PDF, 1 MB)
Safe Plan
(PDF, 2 MB)
Talking Heads
(PDF, 590 KB)
Traffic Lights
(PDF, 883 KB)
Treasure Chest
(PDF, 598 KB)