An important focus for digital youth work is to help young people develop positive attitudes to staying safe and secure when using digital devices. Cyber resilience is about how to build the right habits around passwords and how to avoid scams and phishing attempts.
Find resources that you can use in your youth work. Key digital youth work resources explore how to use passwords, avoiding phishing and scams, and developing good practices around social media.
The resources were developed by YouthLink Scotland in partnership with: Midlothian Council, Police Scotland, The Prince’s Trust Scotland, Learning Link Scotland, Young Scot, Carnegie UK Trust, North Ayrshire Council, Lead Scotland, Scottish Community Development Centre. CLD Standards Council.
As practitioners, we need to feel confident in our skills and knowledge in order to engage with our learners and service users. We also need to feel confident in the resources we have access to.
There is so much information online and finding the best, up to date, resources are important. The tools attached to this project are a great starting point.
This resource is a reflection of the information and insights we gain from the consultations carried out this year. It highlights issues and areas that practitioners, learners and services users have fed into this process.
By placing CLD and non-formal learning at the centre of transformational changes to digital learning, it can have a positive and empowering impact on individuals and communities.
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