Our new publication highlights why Education Reform must seek to deliver changes to the structure and culture of Scottish education to demonstrate parity across settings and approaches to learning.
Lifelong learning and skills reform has reinforced the need for youth work in Scottish education.
This latest publication from YouthLink Scotland highlights why Education Reform must seek to deliver changes to the structure and culture of Scottish education to demonstrate parity across settings and approaches to learning. It argues that youth work must be recognised and resourced as a fundamental element of the Scottish learning system.
A human-rights-based approach to Scottish education must go further than considering how we can make the vision for excellence and equity a reality within the confines of what we currently do. The ambition to ensure that every learner feels they matter requires a fundamental shift in how we talk about and experience Scottish education. This needs strong leadership and a courageous approach from all those with an interest and stake. A narrative that reinforces every young person’s right to access youth work as part of their learner journey.
Join our #EducationNeedsYouthWork campaign from 19th to 23th February.
For more information about this publication or our campaign please contact Marielle Bruce.