
#YouthVIP (initially the Volunteering Initiative Project) was launched in 2019 to grow the number of high-quality volunteering opportunities for young people in Scotland.

Logos of #YouthVIP, #IWill, Project Scotland, Scottish Government, YouthLink Scotland and Young Scot

The initiative is a partnership between YouthLink Scotland, Project Scotland, and Young Scot, working alongside a steering group of young people from across Scotland. #YouthVIP was created as a result of the Scottish Government’s National Volunteering Framework, developed to provide a clear and definitive narrative for volunteering in Scotland.

#YouthVIP went on to develop 13 key recommendations for volunteering in Scotland, with the aim of widening access, removing barriers to participation and improving the overall quality of volunteering opportunities available. One of the key aims of the partnership is to ensure that all young people, no matter their location or circumstances, have the opportunity to access high-quality volunteering.

Early in 2020, the Scottish Government announced they would accept all #YouthVIP’s recommendations. Since then, the recent pandemic has shone an even brighter light on the role that young people play in volunteering within their communities. In response, the Scottish Government supports the young people and consortium of partners to drive forward the #YouthVIP recommendations.

YouthVIP Youth Volunteering in Schools Resource

Check out our resource that connects ideas, practices and approaches that currently exist around youth volunteering in schools.