European Youth Foundation Pilot Activity Grants

Youth organisations can apply for pilot activity grants to the European Youth Foundation for initiatives to be carried out in 2025. The following focus themes for pilot activity grants are human rights education with and by young people, peacebuilding, conflict transformation and intercultural dialogue.

Youth organisations can now apply for pilot activity grants to the European Youth Foundation for initiatives to be carried out in 2025. The following focus themes for pilot activity grants were approved by Joint Council on Youth within the youth sector priorities:

  1. Human rights education with and by young people

This includes the possibility to apply to the EYF for a pilot activity grants for:

  1. initiatives that support the Council of Europe Charter on Education for Democratic Citizenship and Human Rights Education and the role of youth NGOs in its implementation.
  2. initiatives that support young people’s democratic engagement in the revitalisation of democracy (cfr. Reykjavík Declaration).
  3. initiatives that support climate action and awareness on the right to a healthy environment, following the CM Recommendation (2024)6 on young people and climate action adopted on 23 October 2024.
  1. Peacebuilding, conflict transformation and intercultural dialogue

This includes the possibility to apply to the EYF for a pilot activity grants for:

  1. initiatives that associate young people and their organisations with peacebuilding and intercultural dialogue.
  2. initiatives that emerge from flagship activities of the Council of Europe’s youth sector, such as the Youth Peace Camp.
  3. initiatives strengthening young people’s agency and capacities to prevent violence, transform conflict and to build a culture of peace and human rights.

The deadlines for applying are the following: