The Gannochy Trust

There are three types of grants available – Project funding for the delivery of projects and activities; Core funding for operational costs such as salaries, overheads and day to day running costs; and Capital funding to create or improve an asset, such as a new building or refurbishment. Next deadline for applications: 4th October.

The Gannochy Trust provides grants for the delivery of charitable work and capital projects. A large proportion of their funding work takes place in Perth and Kinross, in line with the wishes of their founder A. K. Bell.

There are three types of grant:

Core funding and capital grants are only available for charities and work that is based in Perth and Kinross. Capital funding applications comprise of a two-stage process.

Grant levels:

Major grants are only available for charities and work based in Perth and Kinross.

Applicants for grants must demonstrate how they meet our criteria and deliver our stated outcomes. A number of exclusions apply. All applicants should read the current funding strategy and guidance carefully.

The deadline for applications in 2024 are:

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