Youth Arts Open Fund

The purpose of the Youth Arts Open Fund is to support freelance artists or organisations seeking small amounts of funding so that they can deliver arts activity for children and young people – primarily those who have traditionally found it hardest to access such opportunities.

Fund Status: Closed

Funded projects are expected to engage children and young people in high-quality and accessible arts activity that empowers them through self-expression, enhances their mental health and wellbeing and that builds their confidence and skills.

Freelance artists can apply for funding up to £8k and organisations can apply for funding of up to £15k to deliver up to 12 months of arts activity.

Who can apply

Awards from the fund will be made to freelance artists or to creative, third sector or youth work organisations. Applicants must be based in Scotland, experienced in working with children and young people and supporting the delivery of free community-based arts activities for children and young people living in Scotland. Organisations currently in receipt of Creative Scotland funding for projects with and for children and young people must demonstrate how the proposed activity is additional to your existing funding agreement and how the activity enhances current and future plans. This fund is not open to private/commercial businesses.


New assessment process 

Applications will initially be checked for eligibility and scored against the fund criteria by a team of assessors at Creative Scotland. Short-listed applications will then be passed to a panel of young people who will make final award decisions.

Young person panel

Young people will look specifically at the extent to which short-listed applications demonstrate a youth-led approach:

*You should therefore ensure that your application is written in as accessible a way as possible.

Applicant information sessions

Online applicant support sessions are available on the dates below.

To book a place, please contact: Donna Tobin, Grants Administrator, YouthLink Scotland


Closing date for applications

All applications must be submitted by no later than 5pm on the 5th of September

Applicants will be informed of the outcome of their application within 10 weeks of the deadline.

Frequently asked questions:

Freelance artists can apply for funding up to £8k and organisations can apply for funding of up to £15k, to deliver up to 12 months of arts activity.

Awards from the fund will be made to freelance artists or organisations in the arts, screen, and creative industries, third sector and the youth work sector, who are based in Scotland, experienced in working with children and young people and supporting the delivery of FREE community-based arts activities for children and young people living in Scotland.

Local authorities may apply as long as the funding isn’t used to cover the cost of or to replace existing services. So, if it’s something additional or that will enhance existing provision that’s fine

Yes you can apply to provide new opportunities or that are additional and enhance existing opportunities – but not to fund existing provision

If you have trouble using the links in Guidance please find links below for Rates of Pay and Youth Music Initiative:

As the Youth Arts Open Fund is part of the Scottish Government’s commitment to expand the Youth Music Initiative (YMI) to other art forms we cannot fund music projects via this fund. Music could make up part of a wider arts offer, but it cannot be the prominent or sole focus of your proposal. The YMI Access to Making Fund delivered by Creative Scotland offers funding for music making projects but as the Scottish Government has been unable to confirm the release of funding which enables the delivery of this, Creative Scotland is unable launch these funds at this time.


Please find all of the appropriate forms you need to fill in your application

Fund Guidance
(PDF, 2 MB)
Technical Guidance
(PDF, 217 KB)
Comms Pack for Successful Applicants
(PDF, 336 KB)

Previous Rounds

The Youth Arts Open Fund was launched in 2023 in partnership between Creative Scotland, YouthLink Scotland and Scottish Government.

See list of funded organisations.

Contact our grants administration team

We’re always around for a chat if you want to run ideas by us or help you with queries of any kind. If you need further information or support please contact Jane Dailly (National Grants Manager) and Donna Tobin (National Grants Administrator).