Are you helping young people build their cyber resilience? Can you help the workforce and practice team at YouthLink Scotland? Please take 5 minutes to fill in a short survey about the youth work you’re doing.
We want to know more about how digital fits into your youth work practice and what support you might need to engage with young people around their digital lives.
We would like to hear from you whether or not you are involved in digital youth work.
YouthLink Scotland has been funded by the Scottish Government to understand the impact of digital youth work as a route to building cyber resilience among young people, youth workers and youth work organisations.
Complete the digital survey here.
We don’t just want to hear from people who use digital tools and approaches in their youth work already. We also want to hear from youth workers who don’t use digital, as this will help us to understand the barriers, the challenges, the opportunities.
In particular, this survey explores cyber resilience – how we are supporting young people to build the skills they need to keep themselves and their devices safe and secure.
You can read about research we carried out last year here.
This year, we are broadening our understanding with a further survey as well as some focus group work with young people.
What do we mean by digital youth work? We don’t just mean youth work that takes place online, although that is included. We also mean using digital gaming as an activity at a youth club, activities that help young people develop the critical skills they need to make good choices online and so much more.
Please share this survey as widely as possible and encourage colleagues to complete it.
The survey is open until 8th February 2024.
Thank you in advance.