Join us on Safer Internet Day (7 February 2023) for a digital youth work conference in Dundee to celebrate, discover and explore digital youth work. Draft programme now available. Book your place now
Join us on Safer Internet Day (7 February 2023) for a digital youth work conference, in-person, in Dundee. Come to celebrate, discover and explore digital youth work and how to embed cyber resilience in your youh work practice. It may be what you do every day or an ambition to get started. Either way, this day will be an opportunity to meet, talk, do and learn with other likeminded people.
This event is for youth workers, managers working in the sector, anyone interested in using digital well in their work with young people. The conference is free and open to all youth workers and the wider CLD sector. If the topics we are looking at feel relevant to you, you are welcome to attend.
We will talk about online harms and how to make cyber resilience and online safety topics that feel relevant for young people today. We’ll also talk about the exciting opportunities that digital represents for young people, for youth work and for the future.