Two new e-learning modules are available to support knowledge and understanding across the workforce of the ‘Getting it right for every child’ (GIRFEC) approach and its application in everyday practice.
The Scottish Government commissioned NHS Education for Scotland (NES) to develop these modules in partnership with Education Scotland, Police Scotland and the Scottish Social Services Council.
The e-learning modules are available at two levels: informed and skilled. The ‘informed’ level applies to any practitioner providing services to the public, especially those likely to come in contact with children, young people and/or their families. The ‘informed’ module may also be helpful for others who wish to gain a general understanding about ‘Getting it right for every child’. The ‘skilled’ level applies to any practitioner likely to come in contact with babies, infants, children, young people and/or their families and carers, especially those working directly with them. The ‘skilled’ module may also be helpful for others who wish to gain more depth of understanding about ‘Getting it right for every child’.
Both e-learning modules are available under the Getting it Right for Every Child (GIRFEC) and Children’s Rights learning site on Turas, which is an accessible digital platform developed by NES to provide resources for those working in health and social care in Scotland. Please note that both modules, while free to access, will require a Turas log-in. Anyone with an email address can create a Turas account.
The ‘Getting it right for every child’ approach is rooted in its foundation as a co-produced framework, jointly owned across services. These new modules will therefore seek to complement existing learning resources and guidance around GIRFEC implementation in place across local authorities, health boards and the third sector. They are intended to provide a nationally consistent set of modules available to the workforce alongside materials which have been tailored to local contexts and different professions. The content of the modules is also in accordance with the GIRFEC national policy and practice guidance published in 2022.