This publication contains the latest estimates of the level and rate of employment, ILO unemployment and economic inactivity for young people (16 to 24 year olds) for Scotland nd the UK for April 2020 to March 2021. Estimates are sourced from the Annual Population Survey dataset released by the Office for National Statistics.
Key points:
In April 2020 – March 2021:
- The employment rate was estimated at 52.8%.
- The unemployment rate was estimated at 12.5%
- The inactivity rate was estimated at 39.6%.
Compared with the previous year (April 2019 – March 2020):
- The employment rate decreased by 1.8 percentage points.
- The unemployment rate increased by 3.6 percentage points.
- The inactivity rate decreased by 0.4 percentage points.
Compared with the UK:
- The employment rate was higher (52.8% compared to 51.1%).
- The unemployment rate was lower (12.5% compared to 14%); and
- The inactivity rate was lower (39.6% compared to 40.6%).
Comparing young men and women:
- The estimated employment rate for young men was lower than for young women (52.2% compared to 53.5%).
- The estimated unemployment rate for young men was higher than for young women (13.1% compared to 11.9%).
- The estimated inactivity rate for young men was higher than for young women (39.9% compared to 39.3%).