Children in Scotland has published a summary paper which adds new evidence to the ongoing discussions about behaviour and relationships in schools, drawing directly on the experiences of young people.
This relationships and behaviour summary paper brings together the views of the Inclusion Ambassadors, a group of secondary school-aged pupils who have a range of additional support needs and attend a variety of educational provision across Scotland. The group, delivered by Children in Scotland with support from Enquire, are encouraged to speak freely and openly about their experiences and are supported to contribute to policy consultations and discussions.
This newly-published paper reflects the Inclusion Ambassadors’ views on relationships and behaviour in school and what works for children and young people. Use of positive reinforcement, particularly verbal praise, was identified as impactful for promoting positive relationships and behaviour in schools. The group also shared their views on what contributes to distressed behaviour including unfair expectations, lack of support and stress.
Emphasising the importance of schools approaching communication and inclusion in a progressive way, the group highlighted the need for school staff to take a calm and inclusive approach to supporting all children and young people identifying the often negative impact of shouting and exclusion on pupils.