Our Bright Future has partnered with YouthLink Scotland and Youth Cymru to produce a series of helpful toolkits promoting political engagement.
A series of toolkits has been launched to support young people get involved with local and national politics.
The ‘Have a voice. Have a choice.’ resource was created by Our Bright Futures in partnership with YouthLink Scotland and Youth Cymru, and aims to outline key features of the democratic process and how young people can get politically active.
Understanding Politics & Democracy gives a UK-wide perspective on democracy, with an overview of the UK constitutional setup and the respective powers of devolved parliaments.
The 12 Ways Young People Can Get Involved in Politics toolkit is a practical guide to political engagement, from signing a petition to running for a political position – a great resource for any young people wishing to take the first steps into political activism.
How to host a hustings is a step-by-step practical guide to help young people plan, promote and execute a successful hustings event in your community.
For any young people thinking about running for an elected position, Local Government – Get involved by getting elected! offers an in-depth insight into what is involved in the preparation and running of a local election campaign.