Post-school education, research and skills: Interim purpose and principles

A draft framework for building an excellent post-school education, research and skills ecosystem for further discussion and feedback.

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Scottish Government has developed an interim purpose and principles for post-school education, research and skills on the basis of feedback from previous research, reports and engagement.

The Interim Purpose and Principles sets out current thinking on the priorities that must guide decision making in the context of significant reform of the ecosystem. The impetus for reform is acute, given the growing set of social, technological, economic and environmental factors, coupled with the most challenging financial situation since devolution.

The Scottish Government is keen to engage with a diverse range of stakeholders on the Interim Purpose and Principles including with those who have the greatest stake in the ecosystem, as well as those who traditionally face barriers to access it.

Discussion guide which organisations can use to support discussions on this work.

Easy read version.

Gaelic version.