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At YouthLink Scotland, we aim for a nation that values its young people and their contribution to society, supported through critical relationships with youth workers to achieve their potential. As the collective voice of the youth work sector, we represent their interests, policy, and practice needs to the local and national government. We achieve this by supporting the sector to demonstrate the impact and value of their work and by promoting a positive image of young people and youth work.

Our vision for education is that every child and young person can experience their right to an education which helps them to develop their personality, talents and abilities to their fullest potential (UNCRC Article 29). A rights-based approach, with the learner at the centre, is how we will create and deliver the kind of education that learners need for the future. We believe a rights-based approach must include a strengthened role for youth work within a more collaborative and enhanced system – including creating a system for qualifications and assessment.

Education Reform with rights at its core must drive the culture and systemic change needed to deliver young people’s right to education. The consultation on the reform of qualifications and assessment should consider how it can support this ambition – including ways of generating parity across learning approaches, pathways and achievements. This can be done with the meaningful inclusion of youth work.

Read the full response.