A new digital tool that provides parents and carers with the skills and confidence to talk to their children about money. It also shows why it’s important to teach good financial habits from an early age.
Talk Learn Do (TLD) is a digital tool that provides parents and carers with the skills and confidence to talk to their children about money. It also shows why it’s important to teach good financial habits from an early age. It breaks down important topics into fun activities and bite-sized information, such as pocket money, saving and shopping trips. It includes everyday
experiences such as pestering and shopping and includes digital money. TLD isn’t about how to manage money. It’s about having age-appropriate conversations with hints and tips on how to do this.
TLD can be used by practitioners who work with families in any capacity e.g. family care, social workers, education, youth work etc. As a trusted “messenger” TLD can help you deliver valued support to families in your community. You can: