A great opportunity to promote the amazing work of volunteers who are often the backbone of youth work services as well as promote volunteering opportunities within your organisation.
Announced in January as a National Day of Volunteering, the ‘Big Help Out’ will place on 8 May 2023, the Bank Holiday of the King’s Coronation Weekend.
Plans are currently being finalised and the Big Help Out team, will provide ways in which organisations and individuals can get involved, due to be launched at the end of March, which we will share in the next Youth Work Briefing.
The Big Help Out is a great opportunity to promote the amazing work of volunteers across the country, who are often the backbone of youth work services as well as promote volunteering opportunities within your organisations.
Here at YouthLink Scotland, we will also promote opportunities and highlight some of the many organisations involved in this campaign as well as put a spotlight on the amazing volunteering work of young people, including #IWill and beyond.