YouthLink Scotland is involved in an exciting new international project called Voices for Impact and we are looking for organisations who would like to be listed on a new website all about amplifying the voices of young people.
YouthLink Scotland is a partner on an exciting new international project called Voices for Impact. This piece of work is all about amplifying the voices of young people and to better understand their views. It focuses around a website that captures young people’s views around six areas which can then be used to shape policies that effect young people, advocate for investment in youth work and ensures young people’s voices are central to decision making. The website is currently undergoing a soft launch in Northern Ireland and we will likely be doing the same here in early 2025.
The data that is gathered is anonymous and will be able to be filtered by country and local authority area, however there is also an option that allows young people to indicate what youth group or organisation they are using to participate in this. This data will only be available to one registered staff member from that organisation and not publicly. This means we are looking for organisations who are happy to be listed on this tool in Scotland. You can register your organisation later yourself but it would be wonderful if you were willing to help us to start populating this list now.
If you are happy to have you organisation listed on this please complete this form by 18th December.
For more information please contact Sarah Robinson Galloway.