Youth Work's Role in Tackling Homelessness

This joint policy briefing paper is aimed at policy makers and highlights how youth work’s focus on early intervention and prevention can mitigate the impacts of and the number of young people who experience youth homelessness.

YouthLink Scotland has partnered with Rock Trust to publish a policy briefing on youth work’s role in protect young people from homelessness in Scotland.

This policy briefing specifically highlights how youth workers focus on early intervention and prevention to mitigate the impact and numbers of young people who experience homelessness.

Youth workers play a critical role in addressing homelessness among young people by providing support, resources, signposting and advocacy to prevent and alleviate the issue.

The policy briefing includes key recommendations around growing the capacity for the youth work sector, with specific resourcing allocated to an upstream, schools-based prevention tool, as well as support for young people to maintain their tenancies and avoid homelessness.

We are also calling for much closer collaboration between the youth work and housing departments, as young people must be supported to navigate the complexities of the housing system without the additional barriers of siloed working.

We ask that our sector be appropriately recognised in related areas of public policy. This should be resourced and underpinned by a valued paid and voluntary workforce in every local authority. This will help us better support young people and reduce the number of young people experiencing homelessness in Scotland and the trauma that comes along with it because no young person should be homeless.