The Power of Youth Work: A Longitudinal Biographical Study

No Knives Better Lives and YouthLink Scotland partnered with Dr Emma Davidson of The Centre for Research on Families and Relationships, University of Edinburgh, to explore how youth work impacts young people over time by capturing the stories, memories, and insights of young people.

The study sought to understand the significance of youth work during the transition to adulthood, its relation to key life events, and how relationships with youth workers influence personal development and life experience.

The research used biographical interviews with adults who engaged in youth work during their youth to identify its impact from a life course perspective. These interviews provided a rich context for understanding the diverse challenges faced by young people and the role of youth work in their lives.

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We're here to help with any research enquiries you have. If you are interested in hearing more about this evidence review, contact our Senior Policy & Research Officer Dr Amy Calder.