Youth Work Resources

We know that good youth work requires good youth work resources. That’s why we’re continuing to build a comprehensive library of toolkits, lesson plans, publications, professional frameworks, case studies and guidance to help you improve your youth work practice. Can’t find what you’re looking for? Let us know.


Resource Type
Thematic Area
Policy & Consultations
Every Learner in Scotland Matters
Overview of recommendations from the National Discussion on Education.
young people engaged in digital youth work
Publications & Research
Digital Youth Work Survey Results
Results and key findings from our 2023 digital youth work survey show a clear correlation between digital youth work and building cyber resilience. The research also shows how digital youth work contributes to national youth work outcomes.
Training/Toolkits/Session Plans
Template for Evaluation Planning - National Youth Work Outcomes and Skills Framework
A template to support evaluation planning using the National Youth Work Outcomes and Skills Framework.
The Scottish Attainment Challenge Framework for Recovering and Accelerating Progress
Scottish Government Guidance for Schools and Local Authorities as they plan and evaluate their impact in relation to the Scottish Attainment Challenge
Case Studies & Good Practice, Publications & Research
YouthLink Scotland - Food Insecurity and Learning Loss Pilot
Evaluation report
Training/Toolkits/Session Plans
Scotland's Equity Toolkit
Information signposting practitioners to what can be done to support equity in education and address the poverty related attainment gap throughout the learner journey
Thumbnail of the Imagine a Man research report, by NKBL
Publications & Research, Training/Toolkits/Session Plans
Imagine a Man Report
Find out what it is like to be a boy or young man in Scotland today.
Policy & Consultations
National Discussion on Education - YouthLink Scotland Next Steps
Policy & Consultations
YouthLink Scotland Response - interim purpose and principles for post-school education, research and skills
A response to the Scottish Government's interim report on the purpose and principles of post-school education, research and skills
Policy & Consultations
YouthLink Scotland Response to the Independent Review of Qualifications and Assessment (Phase 3)
YouthLink Scotland recommendations in response to Phase 3 report on Independent Review on the Future of Qualifications and Assessment by Professor Louise Hayward
Case Studies & Good Practice
Alternative Pathway Case Study
Case study of a collaboration between Working 4U and the West Dunbartonshire Youth Work Team
Case Studies & Good Practice
Pathfinder South Lanarkshire